Recruiting Innovation Revisited Day 9 – SmartRecruiters attempt to simplify recruiting

Here it is, the 9th and final day of the Recruiting Innovation Revisited series. Thanks very much for reading and sharing the posts and a big thank you also to everyone who has read the blog and supported me and my business during 2012. I’ll be back to talk about some interesting plans for 2013 in January and in the meantime want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Wonderful New Year.

Day 9’s interview is with Smart Recruiters who are proving to be one of the most interesting start ups currently in the recruitment space. Their CEO Jerome Ternynck talks about his plans to disrupt recruiting globally and how SmartRecruiters free platform is already taking away complexity in the SME market, an area that represents 70% of the total employment marketplace. Jerome believes that, in a world where 1 billion people are connected via Facebook, zero unemployment is a realistic and achievable goal and also talks about his Zero Unemployment Movement

Recruiting Innovation Revisited Day 8 – Richard Long talks Social Recruiting and Mobile

So we’ve reached the penultimate day of the Recruiting Innovation Revisited series. Back at the beginning of 2010 Richard Long wrote a guest blog post about his subsequently award winning social recruiting strategy at Deloitte New Zealand. It was great to be able to catch up to face to face with Richard in San Diego in March this year on the second last day of my month long trip.

In the interview Richard talks about his experiences of using Social Recruiting during his time as Head of Talent Acquisiton for Deloitte New Zealand and how they embraced Facebook to drive considerable improvement in their campus recruiting via live video engagement.We also discuss the vital importance of mobile in any social media recruitment activity

Recruiting Innovation Revisited Day 7 – Kevin Wheeler on the Mobile Revolution

It’s Day 7 of Recruiting Innovation Revisited and time for my interview with Kevin Wheeler. Kevin is another person I seem to have met more times in London this year than the US but it was very good to see him in San Diego in March. We had a great chat over breakfast before the first morning of ERE Expo and filmed the interview directly afterwards on what was quite a cold morning (and to think they told me it was always sunny in San Diego!).

In the interview Kevin identifies areas such as game mechanics, video interviewing and virtual assessment as key recruiting innovations. He also talks about how the skill shortages in Silicon Valley are changing the way companies work, the huge importance of social tools and makes a very interesting prediction about just how quickly recruiting will be 100% mobile

Recruiting Innovation Revisited Day 6 – Work4Labs and the Facebook Conundrum

So we’ve reached Day 6 of the Recruiting Innovation Revisited series (see Day 1 for a full explanation). There is always much talk and speculation round Facebook as a recruitment platform. It is difficult to ignore a platform with a billion active members but at the same time there is huge disagreement about what kind of approach to take. It is also fair to say that many advocates of Facebook recruiting are talking theoretically rather than from any degree of practical experience!

Work4Labs are currently the stand out platform in the Facebook debate. With a large active client base they seem to be cracking the Facebook conundrum and have been successful in an area where other more high profile players (Branchout for example) have failed

In our interview their COO Stephane Kasriel talks about the relevance of Facebook as a recruiting tool drawing on the experience of the 15,000 companies using Work4Labs as their Facebook recruiting platform. He talks about using Facebook in the right channel specific way and highlights in detail three distinct techniques for attracting top talent using the world’s biggest social network

Recruiting Innovation Revisited Day 5 – Master Burnett on the future of employer brand

So here is Day 5 of my Recruiting Innovation Revisted series (see Day One for the full explanation). On the way to my record Day 4’s interview with Ooyalah I had a great lunch with Master Burnett. Master is currently Director of Strategy at Brave New Talent and has some fantastic insights into Silicon Valley recruiting. He also introduced me to the joy of  Californian style pizza!

In the interview Master talks about how the future of recruiting is thinking beyond the transactional and building job family specific employment brands which provide a look inside the employer. As well as declaring the death of the employer brand as we’ve known it Master also describes how a lot of corporate social media policies as “archaic” and “delusional”

Recruiting Innovation Revisited – Day 4 Ooyalah

Welcome to Day 4 of my Christmas series (full explanation here) One of key takeaways from my Recruiting Innovation trip was that some of Silicon Valley’s most interesting companies are not necessarily the most well known. Ooyalah is definitely a case in point. It’s an enterprise video platform that delivers over a billion videos a month for over 1000 global customers reaching nearly 200 million unique viewers

I had a great chat with William Uranga their Director of Recruiting and in the video William talks about  the challenges of recruiting in Silicon Valley and how Ooyala are developing role specific employment brands, actively listening in the social web and looking towards mobile enabled recruiting methods

Recruiting Innovation Revisited – Day 3 John Sumser on branding and mobile

Welcome to Day 3 of Recruiting Innovation Revisited (full explanation here). I’ve actually met John more times in Europe this year than I have in the US! Nevertheless it was great to chat to him in his home environment (literally) back in March. In our interview John talks about his view that innovation only comes from outside recruitment, how employment brands are local and distributed rather than top down as most companies think and why mobile is already “powerfully important” and ubiquitous in recruiting

Recruiting Innovation Revisted – Day 2 Foursquare

So it’s Day 2 of Recruiting Innovation Revisted (see Day 1 for a full explanation) and a very interesting interview with FourSquare. During my trip I met with a number of Silicon Valley’s well known start ups including Facebook and LinkedIn and very nearly Twitter (that one didn’t quite work out unfortunately)  but FourSquare were the only famous brand prepared to go on camera.

Their then Head of Talent, Morgan Missen, has since left the business to start up Silicon Valley’s first Talent Agency  She talks here about the challenges of recruiting top software engineers in Silicon Valley, social media and the growing importance of mobile.

Recruiting Innovation Revisited – Day 1 Glassdoor

Well 2012 has certainly been quite a year, there has been a lot going on and this has meant that much as I’ve tried not to, I’ve neglected  my blogging a bit in recent months. I’m going to make writing regularly my top business new year’s resolution for 2013 but in the meantime I thought it would be good to revisit my Recruiting Innovation Series from earlier this year.

One of the undoubtedly highlights of 2012 for me was spending March in and around San Francisco and Silicon valley researching innovation in the recruitment space and interviewing key influencers and practitioners. I recorded 9 interviews altogether and with approximately 9 working days left before Christmas week I thought I would repost one each day between now and then.

First up is the interview I recorded on the first day of the trip (you can hear the jet lag in my voice!) with Samantha Zupan, the Corporate Communications Director of Samantha gave me some fantastic insights into the ethos behind Glassdoor and its users behavior. Will we see them growing further into Europe in 2013?

Groupon – HR, Social Recruiting and Big Data

Whilst attending the excellent HR Tech Europe recently, I managed to grab a quick interview with Groupon’s VP HR International Ben Van Stekelenburg. We talked about two of the key themes of the conference Social Recruiting and Big Data in HR.